On Saturday, March 11th, over 1000 dentists and 138 exhibitors and 85 guest speakers will gather at Manchester Central for the North of England Dentistry Show.
In the first part of this special episode, Payman chats with FMC’s managing and marketing directors and event organisers, Craig Welling and Laurie Glover as they prepare for one of the biggest events in the dentistry calendar.
But that’s not all. We also hear Prav’s rapid-fire conversation with specialist periodontist Manish Bose, recorded in December 2022 at Neodent’s community event, also in Manchester.
In This Episode
03.30 – Craig Welling and Laurie Glover
15.45 – Manish Bose
17.13 – Practice purchase
22.26 – Blackbox thinking
28.23 – Referrals, goodwill and support
29.32 – Last days and legacy
31.51 – Fantasy dinnerparty
About the Guests
Craig Welling and Laurie Glover are managing and marketing directors at FMC, the dental communication company behind the North of England Dentistry Show held at Manchester Central on March 11th.
Manish Bose is a specialist periodontist and the owner of IKON, a specialist-led dental practice in Ealing, West London.
And I think for me, the biggest thing that recently has happened is I’ve, you know, as I’m quite proud to say, that the business has become successful, but it’s become successful to kind of rein everyone in into that ideology has been really hard. And I’ve not yet found a way to kind of, you know, people talk about culture. It’s how to get that culture to filter through the team, the team that’s been a really hard.
This is Dental Leaders, the podcast where you get to go one on one with emerging leaders in dentistry. Your hosts Payman Langroudi and Prav. Solanki.
Hey guys. A bit of a different episode today.
When Prav went to the Neo dental conference about a month ago or so, he even managed it as well as doing everything else he was doing at that conference. He even managed to do three episodes of the Dental Leaders podcast. Two of them have been full length and then they’ve come out already. But he did a third one, which is a 20 minute episode, which is brilliant. He covered all the main parts of the podcast in 20 minutes with Manish Bose, who’s a friend of mine who actually was practising in the same practice as him, a very, very talented surgeon. And that podcast, because it’s only 20 minutes, we’re going to put that in this episode. But I’ve put another quick ten minute piece in, which is me talking to the managing director and marketing director of FMC about the North of England dentistry show, which is coming up on Friday the 11th of March in Manchester at the MCC. Enjoy it. It would be great to see loads of you there. It’s always so strange when people come up to me and say, Hey, they listen to the podcast and it’s a funny, funny feeling when people tell me about my life, You know, if you’ve listened to hours and hours of this, you tend to know quite a lot about me. A funny feeling when someone knows you so well and you’re just meeting them. But I do love meeting you guys. So do come to that event and, you know, feel a community building up. So thanks a lot for that. Enjoy the episode.
Thanks. It’s no secret that we’re going to be launching the next version of the Enlightened system in March, and it’s been a long time coming. We’re super excited about it. We’re getting superb results from the testing dentists, and we’ve decided to launch it across several different events starting in March. So it will be at the dentistry show in May in Birmingham. We’ll be at the showcase in London at the end of March, but we’re going to kick it all off at the Fmc’s North of England Dentistry show in Manchester at the convention centre there on March 11th. People are a bit surprised sometimes when I tell them Enlightened’s biggest users are from the north, but they always have been. People in the north aren’t. Aren’t that surprised, But whether it was Caliph Solanki practice in Manchester, Michael Oliver’s amazing place in Sunderland, the North’s always been a hotbed for whitening, and it just seems fitting to start there. Fmc have been such a massive support to the profession. I remember the first thing I did when we started Enlightened was was have a meeting with Ken. And since then, you know, whatever they’ve done, whether it’s education print, whether it’s awards, they’ve always been really, really just supportive, cutting edge, innovative. And this is no different. So it’s my great pleasure to welcome Craig Welling, managing director of FMC. Can’t believe I’m saying that. And Laurie Glover and Laurie Glover, who’s marketing head of marketing, to tell us more about the show. So, guys, lovely to have you on. Thanks so much for having us.
I’m really excited to be here. Yeah, No, great to be on.
Yeah. Let’s let’s start with some headline numbers. How many delegates are you expecting? How many stages is it? How many speakers, that sort of thing. Let’s kick off with that, Laurie. Let’s start with the delegates.
That’s the exciting. What everyone always wants to hear about the most is how many how many dentists are we going to have through the doors? And we’re lining up to be absolutely record breaking. This year, we’re expecting over 1000 dentists through the doors itself come to the show and sign ups are just so far ahead of where we expect them to be. We’ve been pleasantly surprised by the demand for these in-person events in the North this year.
Would you put it down to.
Well, I think there’s nothing quite the same as an in-person event. You know, the ability to get there, get hands on with stuff, to see new product launches, to to hear lectures and speakers meet with exhibitors. There’s just no way to replicate that at that kind of scale outside of a Dental event. And we are the largest show in the north. That’s why we we get the numbers we do.
Craig Were you were you not worried, Craig were you not worried that this year was going to be a difficult year to to sell, you know, to to attract people to these sort of things? Yeah.
And I think, you know, there’s always challenges and worries around. You know, whoever’s running in. But, you know, I think our model has always been and obviously a really kind introduction that you did. But, you know, we want to give practical information to to the mass. And, you know, there’s a big gap in the north. The BDA used to run there. And obviously they they then partnered with the dentistry show Got to Birmingham. So there hasn’t been a show consistently in the North for many years and we launched our regional events programme. You know, we’ve got some really good traction and year one last year in the North just took off. You know, we had a great turnout, huge support from the trade and obviously we we put the stake in the ground and you know, we got some great speakers coming along, some, you know, superb support from the industry. And yeah, as Laurie said, you know, we’re ahead of the game and we’re super excited.
Because how many exhibitors are coming?
Oh, I think 136 off the top of my head, isn’t it, Craig? Just over the top of your head.
They keep swelling up even now, you know, usually shows people have got it all locked in, but we’re still getting people enquiring and saying, Hey, can we come along? Because they’ve seen, you know, the demand for it and they want to be on board and be part of that.
And what about the stages? What are they called?
So we’ve got a number of different lecture theatres. So we’ve, we’ve um, we’ve got a clinical theatre which is obviously practical clinical advice, which I think you’re speaking at Payman, you know, guiding people on, on their writing journey. Then we’ve got the avant garde theatre. So obviously Robbie and Milad, you know, they’ve got a phenomenal business. And then Jin and Kish at the Smile Academy. They’ve got their own theatre. Paul Tipton’s run in a theatre of restorative. And then we have a core theatre that covers all of the the main topics. We have a facial aesthetics hub, a business hub. So we’re really trying to appeal to to everybody as much as possible and bring some of the biggest names from across the sector.
Yeah. Think you missed a couple there, Craig We’ve obviously got the business hub as well, powered by my dentist, the Nursing and Oral Health Theatre as well, and the Oscar Restorative Theatre as well by by Troika.
And so let’s go through some of the speakers. I’m looking at the list now. So for me the standout ones are Payman. Langroudi Payman For sure, for sure. But Riaz You are brilliant. Joanne They are like a lot unless you’ve got on. What’s he speaking on? Do you know implants or is it business? He’s normally business. He’s a.
He’s doing on this case. He’s talking about wine replacing, restoring dental implants. It was an implants intro lecture in the implant digital theatre.
And so what’s the overall experience going to be? You turn up, it feels a bit like an exhibition, right? Because that’s it’s that mic which is a big hall and then lectures start and everyone starts going into the lectures. How long is each lecture? Are they different lengths or are they all the same?
Yeah, they aren’t. They are different lengths. And we have, you know, we obviously people are there to enjoy a good day out as well as listen to the speeches that are going on. So they don’t want to be sat down for too long. Payman So the lectures tend to last between 20 to 30 minutes. There are few of the kind of core recommended CPD topics that last a little bit longer up to an hour. But it’s kind of like, you know, we keep it short and sweet because you get a chance to fit more in that way throughout your day.
So guys, when was when was the time where you like how many months ago or is it years ago? Did you start planning this particular event? Like run me through the process.
So I think just I mean, taking it back a couple of steps is yeah, you know, and as I’ve just said to you, we’ve always been about supplying. Practical content that people can absorb and take back to practice. And that’s when we launched the regional event program back in 2020. And then obviously COVID come along. And I think that shattered most event businesses around the world. And so so we really pick things back up in 2021. We had a really successful event in March last year and then we’ve we’ve as soon as that finished, we’re straight back onto the planning for this year. So. You know, 12 months in the pipeline. I think Liana and her team have done a phenomenal job. You know, and I just think we’re trying to be a little bit different. You know, we have things like bubbles and beers. So, you know, early afternoon, the champagne comes out, beers are poured. We try to make it more of a social atmosphere. We don’t want it to be too serious. You know, people want to learn, engage with clients, but also to have fun. It’s not about just, you know, white collar walking around. We want it to be an enjoyable experience.
Yeah. And for the North, we see so many teams come along as well. So it’s not just the dentist. They bring their their team with them and it’s a great chance for a team bonding day out. And I think when you talk about the after party this year, I’m talking about things like no indifferent. We have got the north of England after party happening and Payman I hear someone’s got a VIP area kind of set up for that.
Is that right? Is that right? I didn’t know about that. Um, so the party, what runs straight after the end of the course?
Right straight after the end of the show. So from 4 to 6 afterwards we’ve got one of the gin is DJing from small Canning’s been providing Izzy. Izzy Yeah. Some welcome drinks from team FMC and yeah, you’ve got a little area of ropes outfit for you and the crew.
Yeah. Didn’t want to bring that up, but now that you brought it up. Yeah.
So guys, this regional sort of did you do some research that said, oh, people don’t want to travel down to London or Birmingham and that’s why you’re putting it up there. Is that how it happened?
Yeah. So I think.
If you look at the the latest stats that we run there, was it and don’t quote me on this, I’ll have to get the exact number, but it was around 87% of practices said that they wouldn’t want to travel more than 50 miles. And then we looked at, you know, areas where there was a high concentration of practices and labs where there’s a higher demand. And that’s where we decided to launch the events.
And your business model is free to the dentist, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
And so it’s just us paying.
Absolutely. Again. Payman. Yeah. So of course it’s got to be free for dentists. You know, we’ve been down in the draw, brings them along, gives you a great chance to meet, you know, more dentists you can ever hope to do by travelling around.
Think think what Payman missed out there is. He said last show that he made over £1 million.
Did he. Yeah that’s right. That’s right.
Hey that that’s a good one right there. Surely for that. Put my.
Villa bought my villa in in Cornwall.
But yeah. No it’s really great to have you on and we really appreciate your support and, you know, ultimately looking forward to a great event.
Yeah, I’m sure it will be, man. I’m sure it will be. You guys tend to take care of the all the bits around it very well. All the AV and the food and all that tends to be give me some, some, some idea of numbers on your end. How many of your people are going up.
So we got our event team. So obviously Leon has got got her team that’s made up of there’s eight people in events now and then we’ve got our content team, so they’ll be there covering lots of the new product launches and then we can use that content to distribute online through the print media. Obviously, the sales team will be there. I’m sure they’ll be on your stand with a clipboard as as the door opens. So yeah, I mean, it’s a big day for us, you know, obviously it’s our our cup final, as we call it. It’s our it’s the biggest show that we run. And we’re, um. Yeah, yeah, I’m.
It’s been events are cool man. You never get, you never get sick of events I find. Yeah I do. Once a month right. With the mini smile makeover and just round the corner, by the way, at the Edwardian hotel. And you never get sick of it because it’s different people every time and different for me, different things that go wrong every time. I’ll be quite I’ll be quite interested. I’m going to grab both of you halfway through the day and have another chat with you, but I’d be quite interested to see what went wrong this time. Right. Because you can never. It’s like a wedding or something, isn’t it? You can never really predict.
Yeah, there’s always something. But, I mean, what’s so good about our team is that we’re so good now at taking that in our stride and getting a solution in place is, you know, pragmatic but keeps exhibitors happy, attendees happy. And we just make sure we go above and beyond to resolve them as quickly as possible. A bit of whack a mole when they pop up.
Just a funny one. Remember the first year that we run London Pay and I think you was there and there’s a whole issue with like the health and safety offer signing things off and everyone was in a panic and I think the registration was due to open at half eight, got to half eight and we’d still not had sign off from the health and safety officer because an exhibitor had left the box on the floor. But everyone thought that we did it on purpose because there was a huge queue of people outside waiting to get in, which which made for some great content to show how busy the show was. Um, but yeah, hopefully it runs smoothly this time.
I’d love to sit with.
You guys and go through all the things that have gone wrong with all of the events.
It’ll it’ll be a whole.
Education for me because we’ve never I’ve never run a big event like this before. Yeah, guys, I’m really looking forward to it. Are you guys going the night before?
Yes. We’ll be there to sell out the day before. Absolutely. On Thursday. No, Friday. So we’ll be up there Friday, Friday.
Friday. Sorry. Yeah, Friday. Yeah. And where are you staying?
Uh, we’re at, you know, the.
The place. You guys are too high up. You’re too high up to know these little details, aren’t you?
Payman the day before. Okay.
And are you leaving?
Are you leaving on the Saturday night or are you staying till Sunday morning?
I think some of the team are staying over. I’m some of us are head back at my I’ve not seen my kids for about three weeks, so I need to get back.
All right, man. It’ll be. It’ll be. It’ll be good to catch up with you guys, man. I’ll definitely see you hopefully on on the date. And, you know, we’ll have a great time. Thanks. Thanks a lot for doing this.
I really appreciate the invite and coming on and the support and yeah, look forward to seeing you in next Saturday.
See you in Manchester.
Cool, guys, thanks a lot.
So, Manish, just introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about your practice, what you do at your practice, who works there? Right.
So my name is Manish Bose. I’m a specialist periodontist. I own a practice. I’ve owned a practice for ten years this year, actually. So it was a it was an existing dental implant practice. If you know anything about dental implants. There was a guy called Ashok Rosetti and his partner at the time, a guy called Roy Sennett and Roy Sennett was from South Africa. So Roy Sennett owned a practice. The practice I bought and Ashok had a practice at the road. So I bought Roy’s practice. It wasn’t the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life. Buying business is not my forte. I don’t come from a business background. I bought the practice ten years ago. I can pretty much say it was a yeah, not the greatest experience in my life, but anyway, it is what it is. But I created a referral practice mainly by knocking on people’s doors. He had an implant only practice where he used to get referrals for implants. But I never captured that market because he decided to stay on there. So I established a periodontal referral business, started off doing half a day every two weeks, and I’m now doing four days, five days a week, booked in advance, got another periodontist there. We have a specialist orthodontist, we have a specialist oral surgeon, we have a specialist endodontist and we’re looking to expand.
So if we just take a step back and go back to that journey of when you bought the practice, you’ve had ten years of owning the practice. Now, if you could do that all over again, what would you tell your younger self and what would you change? What would you do differently?
Don’t be naive. Don’t be overly eager. I think I think the Roy saw me coming and I think I was way too eager to do a lot more due diligence. I think this was the days before CTC. So, you know, I if I was to do this all again, I’d be I’d look into the books a lot more. I’d be a bit more kind of business. Like I wasn’t business minded. I just knew that I could do something there. It was more of a gut feeling. I wouldn’t do a gut feeling thing again.
So I’m right in understanding that. You were probably at that time quite excited to become a practice owner. This opportunity came along and you just thought it felt a bit giddy maybe, and just thought, You know what, this is it. I’m going to do this without sort of I guess, you know, you can say you could have been more business minded, but how would have you been more business minded at that time?
Think, think like a lot of specialists. I was running around London and I think I was listening to one of your podcasts recently with Hatem, you know, working 14 different places. I was not too different. I was working about 12 different places, and I knew in Ealing there was an opportunity to be had because there was no one and there was not a standalone referral practice. So yeah, I was quite excited. I thought I knew I actually never wanted to be a business owner. I wanted to be an academic. Another day, another story. But you know, the practice is I live in Ealing. We literally moved into the Ealing and the reason I bought got into got introduced to Royce because I do a lot of Southern implants. So I used to know the guy who used to run Southern and their offices were in that building. So that’s how my introduction got into with, with Roy. Yeah. So I was, I was excited. Yeah, I was definitely buzzing. I thought, well, if I can, if I can concentrate in this one area, it means I’m not running around everywhere. I had really young kids at that time as well, so for me to be in Ealing was quite paramount because my wife works much harder than I do then. And she’s she’s a travel a lot. So for, for us it was a real kind of game changer that I could be located near the kids.
Close to home.
And then so if you look back over the last ten years, what were your darkest days? What would you say the, you know, the most challenging aspects of running and owning a business during that time? Was it really in the early days when you thought, what I’ve just taken on, or have there been moments in owning a business where it’s been so challenging that it’s been utter overwhelm and stress? Yeah, I.
Think I think one of the things and I always say this to younger colleagues who buy a business is when you inherit stuff, it’s one of the biggest bollocks that you can have. I mean, because their loyalties obviously are with the previous owner and that realisation from being an associate where you try to be friendly with the staff members and you’re not really that involved with their day to day things to being their boss, that transition. Is huge for me. Definitely the first year of becoming a boss. Not becoming it’s not it wasn’t very natural, but inheriting people that, you know, the realisation that as a boss you’re quite alone and you’re not really like that much. And you know, you then realise that most of the time they’re being nice to you in front of your face and in a really awkward situation. They’ll be horrible to you in front of your face as well. So that was definitely one aspect of it. And I think for me, the biggest thing that recently happened is I’ve, you know, as I’m quite proud to say, that the business has become successful, but it’s become successful to kind of rein everyone in into that ideology has been really hard. And I’ve not yet found a way to kind of, you know, people talk about culture. It’s how to get that culture to filter through the team. The team that’s been a really hard thing is.
That I was going to ask another question Is that what you meant by ideology? Like having this sort of culture that comes from that’s driven from the top yourself and then and then having the team understand what that culture is and then live and breathe that through to your patients.
Yeah. And I think I think the team so I’ve got my staff who get it because then again I’m quite lucky. I’ve got members of staff who have been with me for years. I’ve got Lady a ten years, eight years, seven years. And they get they’ve seen the business evolve. They see that it’s all about the patient journey. And what I what I what’s the challenge is when I’ve got associates. Some of you are quite young and some who are older and set in their ways, who don’t quite see how things work. And, you know, that’s the thing about people, dentists popping in and out of practices, they don’t have any ownership. And it’s hard. And I get it because I was in that position. I get what they’re. But at the same time, we all have to sing from the same hymn sheet. And for me, trying to establish that as being hard, that’s probably my current problem.
Okay. And if you to look over your career, we speak to a lot of sort of guests when we’re interviewing them and talk about clinical mistakes. I think I think it’s really important the concept of black box thinking where, you know, in the airline industry, everyone’s very open about, well, you have to be open, right? The black box records it. And so anything that happens in the airline industry is shared across industry for flight safety. Right. And that’s why that’s why it’s so safe to fly in medicine and healthcare. We have this habit of covering up our mistakes. And just in the guess, in the interest of transparency, we spoke to a lot of dentists, some who pulled the wrong tooth out or perforated. Have you ever had any moments during your career where you’ve made a clinical mistake that you could share?
I’ve got several. There’s a couple that I won’t talk about, but there’s one in particular that I’m more than happy to because it’s quite funny. Yeah. And the one yeah, this one I’ll talk about. So about 10 or 12 years ago I did an implant sinus graft, did an immediate sinus graft, put the implants in as well at the same time. Sorry, sinus graph with an immediate implant. Let the patient be. The patient came back. Oh, sorry. Got a small detail When I did the sinus graft as a tooth next door, there was a little bit of pus coming out of it from the root tip of the root. And I said, I’ll be fine. Kind of kind of cleaned it antibiotics. But obviously the infection got into the sinus graft and it didn’t work. So the patient comes back in after four months, 4 or 5 months. I went to do a second stage surgery to expose the implant and I put a screwdriver and the implant moved and I said, okay, implant moves not worked, okay. And I said to the patient, Look, hasn’t worked. I need to get you back in and the patient is okay. And I said, I’ll get you back in and next time you come in, I’ll be all prepped. I’ll get a surgical setup and said, I’ll come back in a week. And you know, all it happened was it just moved slightly, nothing else. Okay. Patient comes back after a week. Okay. So, you know, all gowned up. Open it up. There’s no implant. Okay, so there’s me. And he’s like, Yeah, I’ve had this, like, you know, congestion issue, okay? And so I’ve done max backs, okay.
Before I did my training, So okay, let me have a look. So then I decided to pull a flap up. I did a little window and the loops on and started looking. Can’t see a bloody thing, anything. Right. And there was crap coming out. There was past all kinds of shit coming out of there, bias particles. And I’m like, Oh my God. And this guy is not the easiest. This is an up in Highgate loads of old money, you know, I’m start to shit myself a little bit. Okay. So then was me a pair of tweezers looking for this thing? Couldn’t find a freaking thing anyway. Anyway, so at which point the guy could clearly tell that I was very, very nervous. And this was, like I said, ten, 12 years. So about 6 or 7 years into me being a specialist, me doing all these kind of things. And so I rang my old boss up and he, you know, my old boss was a guy called Nasser, who’s, again, another day, another story. But he wasn’t in town. He gave me a telephone number for one of his mates, which was who was a proper old school English maths surgeon and said, What? What old boy? Don’t worry, send him over to me. So I sent the patient across to him and he saved my butt basically on various levels. Okay. So firstly, he was able to locate the implant, which was underneath the orbit. Okay. Wow. It was stuck. Were you fishing.
Around in the wrong place?
I was. I was fishing around, but he’d gone all the way back there. Okay. Because I didn’t, I wasn’t, you know, firstly it was underneath orbit. Secondly, he thankfully booked him into the local private hospital, took the implant out overnight stay. I paid for everything, obviously, and paid for, you know, six, seven grand. Just paid it all to him. Sure. What he then did, which was amazing because I did three implants on this guy. This story goes on for a bit longer, right? Sure. The three implants of this guy, two of them were. One of them didn’t. Okay. And the guy’s obviously like, well, you know, and he’s got he’s gone to the old boy surgeons and you know. Yeah yeah Manish has done this and you know you know I think he’s fucked up basically. And Max my guy was on my side. I said, No, no, no. Let me get you a second opinion. So he got me. He got an a second opinion, one of his buddies. And for the life of me, can’t remember his name, but quite a really well-established western Harley Street boy who did an examination and just said, Look, mate, it’s, you know, shit happens. Two of them worked. One of them didn’t, you know, End of story.
Okay. Anyway, it was great, okay? And I was like, lucky break, you know, And the surgeon only charged me 4 or £500, this thing. And the whole thing is, eight years later, this guy’s in in Devon. And you remember that film? Is it yesterday with the Indian lad who starts singing Beatles songs? Yes. Yeah. Do you remember? Yeah. So a mate of mine who’s another dentist who moves, moves out to Devon. He’s watched the film, right. And he’s gone with some mates of his. Okay. And he’s come out and they’re talking about because I think that that guy had an implant Dental implant. And this guy this the one of the mates who was with said yeah. Had an implant with this guy up in Highgate, yada yada yada. And he’s like, And it was me all these years. He still got he’s got still got a little beef with me. But he’s all right and he’s he’s good. And, you know, as we get to know each other, I’ll tell you the other story, which is even funnier for sure. Maybe off camera. Off camera, off camera. But yeah, that was it was the other one was scary but funny at the end.
It’s nice you had those people to just sort of cover your backside, right. And people to sort of help you out in that in that situation, right?
Yeah. Yeah. You I think I’d like to think there are still people like that out there. But yeah.
Have you ever helped anyone out in that similar maybe not the same situation, but more junior dentists or whatever where they’ve got themselves and landed themselves in a bit of trouble And you’ve been able to.
I think one of the things you probably realise, you know, having been in the industry, it’s not easy to run a or not. It’s not easy to have a referral practice and a lot of that is off the back of helping colleagues in different ways. Whether I take an impression or whether a referring colleague may have done something that has got themselves into a bit of trouble. You know, I will, I will. I have worked out for them in whatever way just to kind of eliminate any possible complications that might occur. But yeah, so am I’m very wary of these things. And because someone’s helped me if I’ve.
Been a recipient.
And yeah.
And also it’s good for business if to be honest because you know, it creates goodwill if anything else, and that’s to have a like a referral practice in zone 2 or 3 in central London. It ain’t easy. So you have to do these things. And I do it. I do it with a kind heart as well because, you know, like I said, I’ve been lucky enough that people helped me out.
Done the same for you on these interviews. We usually usually ask a question. So this is going to be sort of we’ll feature this on Dental Leaders It was your last day on the planet. Yeah. What were the what would be the three pieces of advice that you would leave your loved ones with?
Okay. Uh. Okay. Love life. Always learn. Always, always. I’m a was with someone on Saturday local school ball. And we’ve talked about happiness. And his his concept of happiness was to take his dog out. His 56 likes to take his dog out for a walk. And I was like, okay, fair enough. Simple. Simple. You know? But for me, I’m 50 turn 50 this year. I’m perpetually trying to learn new things. I’m learning how to play the guitar. You know, I’m going to take the boys. I’ve got two boys. I’m going to take them to play golf. So it’s that perpetual love of life.
Just on the guitar bit. Are you a musical guy or is it.
Just so okay, not I wish I was because I have this thing that I always tell people that if I was ever reborn. I’d be reborn as Tito Puente, who was a very famous Colombian Hispanic bongo player. And my connection to all of this is actually quite pertinent because we talk about Manchester. So 91, 94, those years my best buddies were two Cheetham Hill boys, Irfan and Ifti, who were who are two Pakistani lads from Cheetham Hill, which in those days were called the Murder Mile, as you know, and they were into Latin music and. Right. So we used to go out, they were into Latin music and hardcore techno, but they were their musical geniuses. Irfan still plays out in Manchester, so I still see him every now and then. So that’s my musical heritage. I mean, apart from all the stuff my dad used to play as Hindi music or whatever, but that was so. So my musical kind of aspirations are definitely developed from those days.
So we’ve got love, life, learn, always.
Be learning, always.
Be learning love life always be learning. Yeah be be be nice to people. Be kind of respectful. I think that that.
Fantasy dinner, you can invite three people, dead or alive. Who would they be?
Well, Tito Puente Hills.
Thought, Yeah, this one gonna play? Yeah.
Who else would I invite? Um. It wouldn’t be anything Dental so disappoint, say, Nelson Mandela. I think I’d love to hear how he spent his time in jail, but. Amor Bose. Do you know he is? Bose sound system. He was an Indian physicist who went to MIT, and I just loved to know his journey from going from India, being an engineer to go to MIT, and how he and I don’t know what his involvement in the whole boat. I mean, he must be part of shareholder or something. Sure. So I’d be intrigued to know his business journey. Yeah, actually, I think being a businessman that has made me interested in business, that’s one thing. So how people create things is quite interesting for me and create businesses because the one thing I realised is it’s not easy. It’s not easy running a business for sure. But one of the things that I and I think I spoke to you about is all on Fort say it’s all well and good having an idea or being good at it, but you need a funnel for those things to come in. Of course it’s how to create those funnels I find quite interesting as well. So Amira Bose would be an example that someone is obviously intelligent, crack the code correct. And you need and that’s that. Yeah. That would be that would be awesome.
This is Dental Leaders the podcast where you get to go one on one with emerging leaders in dentistry. Your hosts. Payman, Langroudi and Prav. Solanki.
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