Hygienist and therapist Lorena Pivoda chats with Payman about the view from the hygienist-therapist.
Lorena talks about studying at Plymouth University, her first impressions of London after moving from Romania, and the friendly rivalry with her sister.
In This Episode
01.16 – Backstory
06.03 – London and Romania
10.45 – Discovering dental hygiene
14.40 – Dentist-nurse relationship
19.25 – Study
22.58 – Attention to detail
27.49 – Plymouth
30.07 – First post
32.23 – A day in the life
37.32 – Awards
40.12 – Goals
41.01 – Black box thinking
49.00 – Photography and social media
54.03 – Direct access
55.36 – In retrospect
59.28 – COVID
01.01.13 – Ambition and competitiveness
01.05.22 – Fantasy dinner party
01.07.52 – Last days and legacy
About Lorena Pivoda
Lorena graduated from Plymouth Peninsula Dental School with a BSc (Hons) in dental therapy and hygiene. She practices in clinics across London.
Speaker1: I don’t. I just have like a photographic memory. How I like that restoration to be like I’ve had [00:00:05] like a lot of people, like even in university, because I was getting my work marked, I was excellent [00:00:10] at doing my work and it was like all around, how do you do this? How do you do these restorations? Well, I don’t like [00:00:15] I just naturally, I find that when I’m in there, when I’m [00:00:20] in the element, I just know that this cup. Yeah, exactly. I just zone out and [00:00:25] I know this cusp. I want I want to have it this way and I want to have that way.
Speaker2: This [00:00:30] is Dental Leaders. The [00:00:35] podcast where you get to go one on one with emerging leaders in dentistry. [00:00:40] Your hosts Payman Langroudi [00:00:45] and Prav Solanki.
Speaker3: It gives me great pleasure to welcome Lorena [00:00:50] Pivoda onto the podcast. Lorena is a dental hygienist and therapist, uh, [00:00:55] multi-award winning from what I Can see and uh, someone who’s really [00:01:00] nice to see on all the different, uh, lectures and parties that [00:01:05] she’s, she’s at all the right places, at the right times that I’ve seen. Um, but someone [00:01:10] really making a success out of hygiene and therapy. Thanks for coming.
Speaker1: Thank you very much for having me. It’s [00:01:15] a great pleasure. Thank you.
Speaker3: My pleasure. So, look, we normally start with the backstory. Where [00:01:20] were you born? What kind of kid were you? All right. What made you, [00:01:25] like, go into hygiene? The whole thing.
Speaker1: So I was born in [00:01:30] Russia. I’m originally from Romania. Middle. Sorry. [00:01:35]
Speaker3: The middle of Romania? Yes.
Speaker1: The Transylvania. Yeah. So when I say Brasov, [00:01:40] um, I like to think of, like, you know, the Hollywood star, the LA star. [00:01:45] Um, however, when I say the Transylvania, a lot of people, like, think about the pointy [00:01:50] canines. So think about the vampire association.
Speaker3: It’s kind of like hunting [00:01:55] country, right?
Speaker1: It is. Yes. Um, I was born there. However, [00:02:00] I lived in a small town in, um, called Ghimbav. So [00:02:05] they were with the family, um, pretty much from, you know, [00:02:10] um, kindergarten, primary, secondary school. Um, and, [00:02:15] um, left secondary school midway through to come to um UK [00:02:20] initially came here to with my father just as a holiday. [00:02:25] Um, just to see how it is, how it’s like, um, way of the way of life in London, [00:02:30] in the UK. And the whole family liked it. So we moved down [00:02:35] here.
Speaker3: How old? How old were.
Speaker1: You? I was like seven, 18, uh, [00:02:40] when I came here. Um, and from then on, um, [00:02:45] unfortunately, he didn’t know a lot of, like, like the education system and the [00:02:50] entry. Which school would be better? Yeah. Um, for us, but we started off [00:02:55] with a proper entry courses where English language was not. So [00:03:00] how, like, fluent I am today. Yeah. Um, so entry [00:03:05] entry three, level one, level two. And then from then on, um, I [00:03:10] went back, back home, um, for, funnily enough, for a dental check-up. [00:03:15] I haven’t had no clue what I was going to do with my career at all. Um, and I guess [00:03:20] like the dentist dentist dental visit was an influence, um, to to [00:03:25] choose my career path in dentistry. Yes. Um, so, [00:03:30] um, studied here, um, here. I went from like, um, [00:03:35] it was a btec, BTec, uh, diploma at the time. Um, [00:03:40] and I didn’t know that. Again, you could do a top up, you get a BTec national [00:03:45] and then with that you can apply to university. But for me I feel like it was a bit of like a [00:03:50] roller coaster in terms of like my education. Um, [00:03:55] because.
Speaker3: You didn’t know the system, right?
Speaker1: Exactly. Yes. But this was.
Speaker3: What to, to to to get a qualification [00:04:00] for dental nursing.
Speaker1: Um, I was, I was inclined to go into dentistry [00:04:05] or really go to full on dental dentistry. Yeah. Um, and [00:04:10] that didn’t like, really work out. Um, I went into dental [00:04:15] nursing. My father, um, having friends, um, working [00:04:20] with friends. He had, like, a the practice man. He needed, like, a little bit of practice manager [00:04:25] and said, look, come in for a day or two, see if you like it. Um, and take it from there. [00:04:30] If you want to choose this as, as a career pathway or helping you to [00:04:35] get to the stage to go to university.
Speaker3: What does your dad do? Is he anything to do with [00:04:40] dentistry?
Speaker1: No, none of my family? No. Yeah, he’s an electrician. He [00:04:45] he’s been working for the London, London Underground. He, um, actually helped [00:04:50] to to build up the, um, the Elizabeth line. Oh, really? Yes. [00:04:55] So it’s really good.
Speaker3: So, look, take me back to. I mean, you were you were [00:05:00] a teenager, right? The conversations in Romania where they were considering [00:05:05] moving. Um, you must have been part of those conversations, [00:05:10] right? So did you did you feel a sense of sort of nervousness, [00:05:15] or did you feel a sense of excitement about the move?
Speaker1: I was yeah, I was excited. [00:05:20] I love learning the English language. From early on, we were thought [00:05:25] in the country, um, at least like the basics and the reading [00:05:30] especially. And I was very into the English culture, English [00:05:35] language as uh, languages in general. Um, and it was [00:05:40] um, I should say like a voluntary kind of, um, cluster. [00:05:45] You could go to, um, and study, um, and, and take exams. So [00:05:50] I was really, really excited about coming to the UK.
Speaker3: So [00:05:55] then when you did touch down and you sort of where did you live?
Speaker1: Uh, [00:06:00] it was Croydon, the first. Uh.
Speaker3: And what were your impressions? I [00:06:05] mean, when you, when you leave your, your country, wherever you are, [00:06:10] then you’ve got an impression of what it’s going to be like when you get to the new place and then you get [00:06:15] to the new place, and there’s some things that are better or some things that are worse. What were your initial impressions? Did [00:06:20] you think amazing is better than I thought it was? Bill was at the opposite.
Speaker1: I [00:06:25] didn’t think about any negative about it. I was yeah, very optimistic, [00:06:30] very open minded coming to to to the country and, and I liked [00:06:35] how like the people were like very polite to like say thank you or I’m sorry if I did [00:06:40] something. Um, um, and I guess, like, we [00:06:45] loved, like, the sightseeing and travelling, going in the bus. Having said [00:06:50] that, I don’t like motion at all. Um, um, [00:06:55] so yeah, just sort of surroundings, really.
Speaker3: And, and so your, your sort of [00:07:00] existence in, in that the small town you were in compared to coming to [00:07:05] a gigantic city like London, like did that, did you [00:07:10] manage that well? Did it or did you love that? Did you? What was it? What was it like? I mean, it.
Speaker1: Was a big difference, a big [00:07:15] change because, um, of like London is overcrowded, populated, [00:07:20] comparing to the city that I was in. Yeah. Um, [00:07:25] and like the culture of different, different backgrounds, you’d see people [00:07:30] with different ethnic origin, religion, um, you know, um, it [00:07:35] was a difference, but like, good way. Um, yeah.
Speaker3: But [00:07:40] but then your, your sort of the town you were in was a small town. So like in [00:07:45] a small town, there’s this sort of, I don’t know, there’s the best things about it and the worst [00:07:50] things about it. Right. And there tend to be the same thing. Right? It’s like, you know, everyone knows everyone. [00:07:55]
Speaker1: That’s correct. Yeah. So wherever you go, they all know what you’re doing, who [00:08:00] you’re talking to.
Speaker3: It’s also amazing, isn’t it? If you need help, if you need someone, if you need something, there’s that sense of community [00:08:05] sort of thing. Yeah.
Speaker1: Which we have we.
Speaker3: Suffer with here.
Speaker1: Of course.
Speaker3: Yeah, yeah. But there is the [00:08:10] other side of it where everyone knows your business and, and and London. I find [00:08:15] it can be one of the loneliest places in the world, even though you’ve got 7 million people [00:08:20] here. Because, you know, I lived in an apartment up the road in Primrose [00:08:25] Hill for 15 years. And my neighbours, some of them I didn’t [00:08:30] even say hi to once, you know, some of them. Yeah. Yeah. And [00:08:35] so that sense of, of of London, did that affect you or. No.
Speaker1: That’s correct. Yeah. So everyone’s [00:08:40] minding their own business. It doesn’t talk to anybody. Um, and [00:08:45] yeah. Also the best thing about being you can’t really knock on their door. It’s like, excuse [00:08:50] me. Or can I leave my. Is my delivery coming? Can I just leave my parcel with, you [00:08:55] know, this sort of things, you just have to deal with it. And how many.
Speaker3: Years do you think [00:09:00] it takes before you when you move, you feel like you fit in? Because if [00:09:05] my answer to that question is that for the first five years, you fit in nowhere, [00:09:10] you don’t you don’t fit in here because you’re new. You don’t even you don’t know anything about [00:09:15] it. Right? And then you don’t fit in at home anymore because you’ve [00:09:20] moved now. So you’re not you’re not you’re not involved in what’s happening at home. And then I feel [00:09:25] like it takes about five years before you think, ah, this is home.
Speaker1: Yes, [00:09:30] it’s certainly you can’t now I can because I’ve been [00:09:35] here for how long? How many years? Like 12. 13? Probably like longer. [00:09:40] Um. And yes, for the first few years. You can’t say that because [00:09:45] you still miss home. Yeah. You still miss that comfort where you come [00:09:50] from. The people, especially in schools, having to integrate, [00:09:55] um, and have that kind of bond. Um, it’s it’s definitely missing. [00:10:00]
Speaker3: What’s the thing other than people? What’s the thing you miss most about Romania? [00:10:05]
Speaker1: I think travelling and just seeing the, the sights [00:10:10] of like the nature, the country. Yes. The beach to keep racial freedom. [00:10:15] Exactly. Yes. Where you. I used to go. My mother and father used to take me. [00:10:20] It’s, um, a different perspective of life from how the children [00:10:25] were brought up in, in here, I’d say. And that’s the one thing that I do miss [00:10:30] travelling a lot. We. They used to take us as me and my sister, um, quite [00:10:35] a lot, um, like travelling with the car and just see the nature and see [00:10:40] the traditions, and that’s for sure.
Speaker3: And now your parents are both here?
Speaker1: Yes. [00:10:45]
Speaker3: Yeah. So tell me about hygiene then. When did that first come on your radar? [00:10:50] You thought I want to be a hygienist. Was it okay? You went you went to that dental visit. She said, [00:10:55] I want to get into the field, but it’s not easy to become, like, get on, get into the course is. It’s a difficult course. [00:11:00]
Speaker1: No, no. So like I said, it’s like it was a roller coaster for me because [00:11:05] I did not know the entry requirements that I need to get to the university. [00:11:10] So then I went, um, a [00:11:15] well trained as a dental nurse. Um, I did that for quite [00:11:20] a few years. About five, five years. Yeah. So quite a long time. And [00:11:25] that was because, um, I wanted to access. Access course. Sorry. Um, [00:11:30] where? I didn’t know that. You have to, um, do the [00:11:35] the qualification within two years that you’re able to apply to the university. After that, [00:11:40] it expires. So mine did expire. Um, so, um, [00:11:45] I was thinking, well, what’s the best route? Should I just take the A-levels? Because I kept seeing, like, [00:11:50] A-levels. You need this a number of A’s. B’s to [00:11:55] get into university, you know, and they were like called. I ended up calling there and for entry [00:12:00] requirements at the university and they’re like, no, it’s fine if you have an access to science. [00:12:05] Then I embarked into, um, an access to science, uh, to three [00:12:10] years later down the line, different like the system has changed. You have to, like, [00:12:15] take exams. Now you have to do coursework. Um, all of which, um, [00:12:20] added to the rest of my, um, capability actually had like, nice good grades distinctions [00:12:25] on them.
Speaker3: Was, was was it because your level of science was already [00:12:30] high from Romania, or was it because you worked your ass off?
Speaker1: And no, not [00:12:35] necessarily. Like I feel like you and with everyone you, you do tend [00:12:40] to forget a few things. So you kind of like I’m not going to say from zero, but you do [00:12:45] have to like, look a lot more in detail about anatomy, physics, chemistry, [00:12:50] which I was very rubbish at. Uh, um, so.
Speaker3: You worked really.
Speaker1: Hard. Yes, yes. [00:12:55] So, um, after, after completing that, uh, I [00:13:00] was able to, you know, observe my hygienist in the, in the, um, surgery. [00:13:05] I worked at Wimbledon. Wimbledon, um, dental practice for a while [00:13:10] in there, and I saw how she’s working. So initially I was like, um, okay, I [00:13:15] would like to start doing a hygiene career. However, I have [00:13:20] got accepted into hygiene and therapy, and I was like, all over [00:13:25] the moon, um, having to have a therapy in there. Uh, qualification [00:13:30] entry.
Speaker3: Um, did you get accepted first time you applied or [00:13:35] how did it work?
Speaker1: Um, so no, it was like my third application [00:13:40] because, um, I went in and I applied when I started my BTec. [00:13:45] Um, and then after having my access a second [00:13:50] time, well, it’s expired, you just you can’t go can’t go in with that. Um, [00:13:55] then the third time when I had everything piled up all ready [00:14:00] to go, uh, I had my chance. And I was, um, very happy to to be [00:14:05] accepted. I graduated from Plymouth University. Yeah.
Speaker3: But before before we go into this, [00:14:10] how many practices did you work at as a dental nurse?
Speaker1: Oh, I was just. [00:14:15] Well, it was one practice, um, in Wimbledon. And then I was like, well, [00:14:20] I feel like maybe I should explore and see if I have if I like the orthodontic therapy. [00:14:25] So then I was working in Welbeck Clinic, which is in [00:14:30] central London, and the lady had two offices, wasn’t one in Welbeck [00:14:35] and one in Euston. So I explored that. [00:14:40] Um.
Speaker3: But now what I want to get to is, you know, the now now you work in [00:14:45] 4 or 5, four different places, you said. Right. And I bet in some of them you have a nurse. [00:14:50]
Speaker1: Yes, I went to.
Speaker3: Yeah. Exactly. So, so I’m interested in [00:14:55] the nurses life. Yeah. The insights because I had the, uh, a lady on [00:15:00] she was a dentist, but she, she started out as a nurse here [00:15:05] just to get her qualifications. And she said something to me that in all my years in dentistry, I hadn’t [00:15:10] considered here. She said, when when you’re the dentist and you grab [00:15:15] the suction off your nurse and put it in the mouth, and it really hurts as the [00:15:20] nurse because you feel like you haven’t done your job right or something. And 20, [00:15:25] 25 years a dentist. I’d never considered that as a thing that would [00:15:30] hurt the nurse if I grabbed the suction off her. But what I’m interested in is as [00:15:35] a I mean, you can see and when you work in a dental practice, you know, the nurses are running the whole show. [00:15:40] Yeah. And treated differently by different bosses. Right. But [00:15:45] but you know that you hear some stories. So what insights can [00:15:50] you give me? I mean all the listeners, there’s going to be lots of nurses listening as well. But a lot of dentists [00:15:55] are going to be listening to this. What insights can you give me about that dentist nurse relationship, the dentist patient [00:16:00] relationship, the nurse boss relationship or what? What insights can you give?
Speaker1: I [00:16:05] think it’s like very important to communicate with your nurse. And, [00:16:10] um, you know, I always tell them, like, for trainee nurse. [00:16:15] Look, I understand, like exactly what you how you what are you going through? Because [00:16:20] I was, I was there, I was there, I was a dental nurse and I. I know how it feels. [00:16:25] I’m going to show you how to do it. And I show you how I like for [00:16:30] you to, if it’s possible for you to do it. And that will make the whole [00:16:35] patient journey a lot more easier for for all of us. Um, and [00:16:40] I will tell them, like, please don’t get offended if I show you or if a [00:16:45] perfect example. Are you taking this? Exactly I am tell [00:16:50] them like, don’t, don’t, I’m just showing you this. Like, and if I do take it, I’m [00:16:55] just helping you.
Speaker3: It’s funny because you were on to it because you’ve been in that position. [00:17:00] Right? But what other things? I mean, what about I’m quite interested in the boss relationship with the nurse. Like [00:17:05] like, for instance, I think dental practices don’t have enough humans working in [00:17:10] them. Somehow we try and minimise on that. We dentist try to minimise [00:17:15] on all spending that whatever it is. But but you know, I was in a restaurant and [00:17:20] it wasn’t a nice restaurant. The Ivy, you know, the Ivies, they’re everywhere. Right? Okay. [00:17:25] There was so many members of staff, like so many members of staff [00:17:30] everywhere. Yeah. And I feel like in a dental practice, there’s not enough members of staff. [00:17:35] Yeah. So people are being worked to. And it’s not about. I’m not. I’m [00:17:40] interested in people’s work lives. I am. But the reason why [00:17:45] you need more members of staff is so that people’s work lives can be more fulfilling, [00:17:50] fulfilling, and that hence that can sort of get [00:17:55] the patient to be more fulfilled. Mhm. So, so you know this question of [00:18:00] hygienist and nurse. Yeah. While the nurse is doing the clean up the hygienist [00:18:05] can be saying something to the, to the, to the patient. So now my, my view is not enough. Humans [00:18:10] in the dental practice. What do you reckon.
Speaker1: Well it’s true, it’s true. But I like [00:18:15] it. Like I like to help out. So, um, help your nurse. Yes. So if I feel [00:18:20] like I’m talking to the patient, and then I realise that I’m running five or [00:18:25] less, usually if it goes by five, I’m like, uh. No. Yeah. Um, and [00:18:30] I just tend to just take the wipe down. I start wiping down and just [00:18:35] wipe out. I’ll do my notes later or something. But you, um. I deal with this. I’m [00:18:40] with the patient. You you can go and do clean up your instruments, or I’m starting off [00:18:45] the treatment I’m managing. By the time you get back, or I tend to like, you know, get to the right hand [00:18:50] side. I was like, when I get to the right hand side, then you can jump in.
Speaker3: Uh, [00:18:55] what other insights, boss? Insights.
Speaker4: Um, you know.
Speaker1: I [00:19:00] think that they probably think that I’m bossy because I’m like, I’m asking for too many things [00:19:05] sometimes. Like when I just take photos or I like, you know, intraoral [00:19:10] mirror or bring up the mirror again or I take to take the restorations and [00:19:15] I’m like stopping photos, photos, photos. And they kind of get sometimes it can get a bit on their [00:19:20] nerves and I completely understand it. Yes.
Speaker4: Yeah. [00:19:25]
Speaker3: It’s interesting. Um, so back to the story. You got into hygiene school, [00:19:30] which was Plymouth.
Speaker4: Yes.
Speaker3: How was that? How was the how was how was the [00:19:35] course? How did you find Plymouth? Did you party? Did you study your your your [00:19:40] head off? What kind of student were you.
Speaker1: Know, funnily enough, because you mentioned [00:19:45] parties in the beginning, joining parties. But no, I was not going to parties. I [00:19:50] was like quite serious. Yes. And just very focussed. Um, [00:19:55] you know, and studying um, first year was very, very challenging. [00:20:00] Um, one bit of course, isn’t it? Yes. Um, [00:20:05] having to study science is not one of my favourite subjects at all, and I find that really [00:20:10] hard. Um, it’s mainly because of the, my, [00:20:15] um, learning technique. So, um, I was having, like, notes [00:20:20] and notes and piling rather than, like, recalling my studies, which is very important to [00:20:25] have to do that. Um, and not only like learning with the group, I tend [00:20:30] to be very like focussed on my own and just regard [00:20:35] the less the other people. Um, but yeah, second year [00:20:40] was um, so much more, so much better. You know, you had the clinical scenarios [00:20:45] with patients and having a Dental nursing. Nursing background definitely helps [00:20:50] you, um, through to go through the career and, and skills [00:20:55] wise as well, having to observe the dentist, how certain treatments are done or what equipment [00:21:00] they are using. It’s very, very useful.
Speaker3: How many of the students [00:21:05] had a dental background and how many didn’t?
Speaker1: I think quite a few of us, [00:21:10] um, did come from a dental nursing background.
Speaker3: Is it possible to go in without. Yeah. [00:21:15]
Speaker4: Oh it is, yeah. You can do.
Speaker3: Yeah. And so then which bit of it did you [00:21:20] find easier? I mean, you said you found it initially quite challenging. Did you find it easier [00:21:25] when it came to clinical like seeing meeting patients.
Speaker1: Yeah. Yes I [00:21:30] was for everyone I think first patient is going to be a little bit nerve wracking [00:21:35] right, when you just have to. But as soon as like you talk to them and you kind of follow your plan, [00:21:40] you get to your notes. It just flows beautifully. Um, that [00:21:45] was one thing that I do. Did love the hands on element and [00:21:50] having to be introduced in clinic in simulated dental learning [00:21:55] environment, which we had in the year one, uh, for the first, first, second [00:22:00] week, I can’t remember exactly. It’s it was really good. Um, yes. [00:22:05]
Speaker3: And so look, now I look at your career and you seem like the most successful [00:22:10] hygienist around, you know? I mean, I’m not making comparisons. Right? [00:22:15] But but you’ve done very well. You’re you’re in the top practices. You [00:22:20] you’re doing the work that you were trained to do, which many, many therapists aren’t. There’s [00:22:25] many therapists just doing hygiene, right? You’re doing aesthetics. [00:22:30] You’re doing loads of whitening. I know already. Yeah. Um, what were [00:22:35] you thinking about all of this in hygiene school? Were you thinking or were you just thinking? [00:22:40] I want to learn what I want to learn. I want to get good at something. Like when. When did [00:22:45] this sort of plan hatch? Did it happen through design or did it happen through [00:22:50] through, you know, just coincidence meeting the right people at the right time?
Speaker1: I think [00:22:55] so, yeah. Meeting the people at the right time. So who were the.
Speaker3: People like what was the what were the inflection [00:23:00] points? Why is it you ended up this hygienist? And then there’s, there’s one sitting [00:23:05] in, in uh, wherever treating only children and, or not [00:23:10] even doing any, any therapy at all. So how what were the points that [00:23:15] sort of got you to this?
Speaker1: I think it’s mainly my motivation in my drive [00:23:20] for dental therapy. I was in university. Yeah. [00:23:25] Yes. That was my initial thought about doing the hygiene. But having to [00:23:30] see the therapy element, I just kind of like the dexterity and having to work [00:23:35] with like not only like the material, the composite material, but having [00:23:40] to restore a cavity. It’s that’s something that’s fulfilling me. [00:23:45] Yeah. Um, yes. Network and and people um, a little bit, but not greatly. [00:23:50] Not a lot like you maybe. I don’t come across like a very, like, chatty kind of [00:23:55] person and and trying to see what routes. Start there to get [00:24:00] to where I am today. And not at all. Um, but I think it’s it’s [00:24:05] mainly my my hard work. And what are you saying?
Speaker3: You’re working harder [00:24:10] than the next therapist? I mean, it’s no problem if that’s what you’re saying. But [00:24:15] listen, maybe you are. Yeah, maybe you’re working very hard here, but, you know, hard work will [00:24:20] get you so far. I mean, there’s there’s more to success than hard work, [00:24:25] right? There’s always like, I don’t know, smart work or there’s there is the networking [00:24:30] element part of it? Yeah. Um, but it’s very interesting. I mean, I don’t think you can get [00:24:35] anywhere without hard work. It’s like initial ingredients, right? Um, [00:24:40] so. Okay. This ambition, it’s quite ambitious what you’re saying, and I. But reading your [00:24:45] your copy on your site, on your page, there’s [00:24:50] a lot of the words are like, extremely interested in quality. [00:24:55] You know, quality being the.
Speaker4: The key thing. Yes.
Speaker1: My photography skill I think like I’m [00:25:00] just obsessed by it. I just I’d like to like, be like on point and [00:25:05] I feel like I don’t I just have like a photographic memory. How I [00:25:10] like that restoration to be like I’ve had like a lot of people, like even in university, because I [00:25:15] was getting my work marked. I was excellent at doing my work and it was like all around, how do you do this? How do you do [00:25:20] these restorations? Well, I don’t like I just naturally, I [00:25:25] find that when I’m in there, when I’m in the element, I just know that this cup. Yeah, [00:25:30] exactly. I just zone out and I know this. Casper wants. I want to have it this way, and I [00:25:35] want to have that way. Um, I’ve heard mixed, um, opinions about, like, [00:25:40] why you’re building a Casper by by cost and not all in one go. I was like, [00:25:45] well, this is I tried it. I tried both ways and it’s not really working out for me. I think you just have [00:25:50] to go with it and just try it out.
Speaker3: There is, you know, it’s been years since I’ve done a filling [00:25:55] here, but but there is something about doing a filling as perfectly as you possibly [00:26:00] can. And we all know you never get to perfection.
Speaker4: No. Yeah.
Speaker3: You’re constantly chasing [00:26:05] that Jews rubber dam and all that.
Speaker4: I use rubber dam.
Speaker3: Yeah, yeah. And I noticed you’ve been on all of monarch’s [00:26:10] courses.
Speaker4: Yes. Which is so which is.
Speaker3: Brilliant that you’re investing in, [00:26:15] in yourself. Um, we’ll have to get you on mini spelling for now.
Speaker4: Sure.
Speaker1: I’ve heard about [00:26:20] the mini style, so. Yeah.
Speaker4: For sure.
Speaker3: But okay, so now [00:26:25] now where you are now, does the idea of trying to [00:26:30] be a dentist, is that still something on your mind or.
Speaker4: I wish I was. [00:26:35]
Speaker1: A little bit more like maybe focus a bit more on getting into more [00:26:40] dentistry. I don’t like doing any root canals. Crowns.
Speaker3: Would you [00:26:45] train to be a dentist?
Speaker1: I would still.
Speaker3: Have you ruled that out or not.
Speaker4: Um.
Speaker1: I just feel like I don’t know if I [00:26:50] would be that focussed, uh, with my studies and just go through the whole process again. [00:26:55] Why?
Speaker4: Because you’ve.
Speaker3: Because you’ve worked your butt off already?
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker1: Possibly. [00:27:00]
Speaker4: Did you promise.
Speaker3: Yourself no more exams or something?
Speaker4: Um.
Speaker1: I don’t know. [00:27:05] I just maybe I just need to pick up that challenge and challenge myself again. [00:27:10]
Speaker4: And there’s and.
Speaker3: There’s the financial side. Right.
Speaker4: Of course.
Speaker3: Because it’s five years full time. Yeah. [00:27:15] Although, I don’t know, you’re not really old enough, but five years goes by so [00:27:20] quickly these days for me.
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: So you haven’t [00:27:25] you haven’t ruled it out. You might still go and become an undergrad.
Speaker4: I’m not sure. [00:27:30]
Speaker1: Yet. No, I feel like. Yeah, I feel like I take things one step [00:27:35] at a time. Um.
Speaker3: The problem is, the more successful you are as [00:27:40] a as a therapist, as a hygienist therapist, the less then you can think about stopping [00:27:45] that. Yeah. You become reliant on that success rate.
Speaker4: That’s true.
Speaker3: So tell [00:27:50] me. Okay, you finished the course. You you studied hard, right? You were serious [00:27:55] during the course in Plymouth. Do you like Plymouth?
Speaker1: Yes, because I could relate. The sea. Um, when [00:28:00] I used to visit my grandmother. So I love that side of it. [00:28:05] Um, it’s very. It’s very peaceful. When I first came, went to to Plymouth, I [00:28:10] was like, I’m not going to like this. It was like, so quiet. Hardly any people around. Yeah. Um, [00:28:15] but now, like, even after I finished, I was not thinking about coming [00:28:20] back to London. I was, like, looking for jobs around Plymouth because I knew that having [00:28:25] to, um, to work as a dental therapist in London, it would be very challenging [00:28:30] to find a job. And they were like so many times that I was like, so upset [00:28:35] about the fact that why there not as many of us in here and [00:28:40] why we’re not being used, um, with our profession were equally [00:28:45] skilled, trained side by side with dentists. Why our scope is not [00:28:50] being used. Um, and I just came across a few practices that [00:28:55] did appreciate and sharing. The workload. I think that’s very good because [00:29:00] not only they can help them, which is paper that actually got published by my professors [00:29:05] in university with my work. Um, we get to help [00:29:10] out so you can focus on your restorative, more complex Invisalign [00:29:15] implant cases and even composite bonding. And we can [00:29:20] get to do the general dentistry.
Speaker3: So, but you managed to find a couple of places [00:29:25] in London that were advertising or did you approach them?
Speaker1: One um, [00:29:30] because I didn’t know what I was going to do when I was coming to London and staying in to Plymouth when I applied, [00:29:35] when I was at university, because everyone was asking, well, Lorena, what are you doing? Are you going to stay over or are you going? [00:29:40] Um, and I gave a chance to apply to a place, um, [00:29:45] in London. Then. I did not hear anything about this until later. [00:29:50] Um, September. October. And he had a therapy position. So [00:29:55] I did join that. And in the meantime, I did some NHS work as well. [00:30:00] So not all my practices are private. I did that about three months. [00:30:05] Yes. And children as well.
Speaker3: So. So that first job. Was that an NHS [00:30:10] job.
Speaker4: Yes. Yeah.
Speaker1: So I did three monthly NHS job. [00:30:15] Um, again my passion for composite was still there and I [00:30:20] was not getting a lot of it. And that’s what has that drove me [00:30:25] to the separation where I was like, okay, I just I think it’s something there is something [00:30:30] more about myself that I could do. Um, did you.
Speaker3: Have a mentor? [00:30:35]
Speaker4: No.
Speaker3: No one to.
Speaker4: Ask?
Speaker1: No.
Speaker4: So then.
Speaker3: Okay, so [00:30:40] I don’t know, you saw you saw an advert or you saw a post on social. That monarch, for the sake of the argument, [00:30:45] was putting out?
Speaker4: Yes.
Speaker3: So I’m going to get educated more.
Speaker4: Um.
Speaker1: A lot of my [00:30:50] colleagues have had, um. Sorry. Um, Instagram. Yeah. Um, accounts. [00:30:55] When they were at university, I did mine some like later on. And then I came across, [00:31:00] um, monarchs, um, course. And just from then, like, seeing [00:31:05] before and after. So I was like, okay, this seems like a good course to, to go into.
Speaker3: And so [00:31:10] did you get the good jobs after that, or did you have the good jobs before that, that the, you [00:31:15] know, the ones where you were doing, um.
Speaker4: Um, a few.
Speaker1: Before and a few after? [00:31:20] Um, so a lot of them from like my postings so [00:31:25] they could see my portfolio of work. So I was building my portfolio from I could say, well, [00:31:30] I started around towards the end of the second year. I keep getting better and better at taking photos. [00:31:35] Third year I was like, yep, that’s how we do it. We just get the photos. [00:31:40] Even though if my nurse was a little bit slow or just get it all set up, how I want it [00:31:45] ready to roll. And that was um, yeah, very focussed on on [00:31:50] building my portfolio from the university, a few cases where I ended up being like a tooth wear [00:31:55] case and which was really happy. A little bit of bonding in there. [00:32:00] And the poster actually got to be, um, showcased in the university [00:32:05] walls. Um, so that was like a very, like good momentum [00:32:10] for me there. Exactly. Just to leave something behind and, you know, [00:32:15] show the other dental therapists that it’s possible you you guys can do it as [00:32:20] well. You just have to put your mind to it.
Speaker3: So then now describe to me [00:32:25] now your day, a typical day what [00:32:30] the patients that you will see like in a in a typical day any of it hygiene.
Speaker1: Now [00:32:35] I like that breakdown. Yeah.
Speaker3: So there is hygiene as well.
Speaker4: So I have give me give me.
Speaker3: Give me an example. [00:32:40] The first patient’s hygiene. And do you use that whole EMS thing or. No.
Speaker4: Um one of. [00:32:45]
Speaker1: My practices I do and the other are NSK a little bit. So I feel like [00:32:50] I’m just doing a bit of everything.
Speaker4: All right. So clinical.
Speaker3: Hygiene and then.
Speaker1: Hygiene [00:32:55] for dental treatments and then you have some fillings. You have whitening fits, [00:33:00] whitening.
Speaker4: Scans, the filling.
Speaker3: The fillings. The dentists are seeing that patient. And [00:33:05] yes sent them to you.
Speaker4: Yes.
Speaker3: Yeah. But the the whitening is are you the one discussing [00:33:10] whitening with the patient or does the dentist the one or both.
Speaker1: If [00:33:15] you have like a nice good teamwork then the dentist can send it over for the whitening. [00:33:20] What now? It’s starting to work really well. Um, it’s like if you have [00:33:25] a patient who would need Invisalign treatment, then you, [00:33:30] um, patient will be benefit in seeing the dentist for Invisalign treatment. Then they will send it back [00:33:35] to you for your whitening. I think that’s like a nice and fair share to to [00:33:40] do there. Um, but when you do mention in your, in the hygiene department [00:33:45] direct taxes whitening, you were interesting. This is what we can do then. [00:33:50] Um, sometimes the kind of get to see the dentist [00:33:55] the second because the booking hygiene and then check up after. Then if I run out of time [00:34:00] because I’m very pressured on a 25 minute appointment, having to cram it all in, it’s a bit [00:34:05] hard and challenging. And then the dentist sees a little bit the treatment plan, [00:34:10] and then they talk a little, get the chance to talk a little bit more about it. When you talk to the patient [00:34:15] more about the whitening, they are more likely to having to go ahead. [00:34:20] If you briefly chip out everything about the whitening the [00:34:25] moment they’re not. She’s just like trying to to sell it over to me. But, [00:34:30] um, what I’ve noticed that they kind of take off the treatment. So I’m doing a little [00:34:35] bit of work, but then.
Speaker4: So let’s.
Speaker3: Discuss this here because. Because there must be [00:34:40] a situation. Yeah. That, that I mean, what you’ve alluded to there is [00:34:45] you’re saying about, you know, there’s there’s some whitening to be done. Who does it. Yeah. [00:34:50] Is it the dentist doing it. Is it the therapist that hygienist doing it who suggested it and all that. But what I’m saying [00:34:55] is there must be a situation that’s best practice in that you could have a situation where [00:35:00] whoever does it, both of you earn. You know, so that you [00:35:05] get something. So it makes sense for you to suggest whitening, whether or not [00:35:10] you’re the one who’s actually going to carry it out. And it makes sense for the dentist to mention [00:35:15] whitening, knowing that you’ll also mention it, knowing that it doesn’t matter who [00:35:20] does it, we’ll both earn. Is that not a thing? In any practice, you’re in for practice. [00:35:25] That’s not the way it’s done.
Speaker1: Not really. I think like mostly, [00:35:30] most likely will be the dentist that will take it over.
Speaker4: But there’s definitely.
Speaker3: Some [00:35:35] hygienists or therapists who are getting paid for whitening. Right. They’re getting paid like an associate.
Speaker4: Yeah, [00:35:40] I.
Speaker1: Do do I do do them. So I would say, um, you know, some patients, they are more likely [00:35:45] to go ahead here and there. So I just do do the scanning and talk to them or giving them a pros [00:35:50] and cons of the whitening. And our options go through it. Um, but because these are [00:35:55] a prescription only, then I’ll have to make sure that they get booked in and [00:36:00] they get seen by the dentist afterwards. And provided that, I always say, provided [00:36:05] that everything your fit, um, will come back and we’ll do the writing and they do and [00:36:10] they do come back and it’s all good. And I can as a therapist, you will be able to see [00:36:15] if there is any work that need doing. However, it’s not 100% guaranteed because [00:36:20] this is where the x rays come come into play. If you know a patient that you know has [00:36:25] not had any dental treatment and they had had a check-up [00:36:30] previously, then they will be fine.
Speaker3: And how often do you do composite veneers? [00:36:35]
Speaker1: Um, not quite a lot. Not all as lot eyes. I would want to, um, I’m getting [00:36:40] a few cases, their repairs mainly. Um.
Speaker4: So [00:36:45] because.
Speaker3: You’ll forget how to do it if you don’t practice a bit for.
Speaker1: Sure. Yeah, [00:36:50] yeah, um, I do, I do get, you know, you get the buckles [00:36:55] or, um, the incisal edge. Build ups may not be like a full [00:37:00] ten case veneer. Yeah, but do you get a few?
Speaker3: And have you done any of these, [00:37:05] uh, injection moulding, small, fast or or prosperworks or. [00:37:10]
Speaker1: No. No. Um, I knew about the smile fast when I was in university, [00:37:15] and that was very close to job. Well, I’ve actually paid and joined [00:37:20] ready to join, but I think what was not quite ready. And then I was like, well, I don’t know how this is [00:37:25] going to help me. And then I kind of like changed my mind. Um, but I know about the [00:37:30] injection mouldings. Yeah.
Speaker3: Let’s get to awards. [00:37:35] You seem to be very good at winning awards, is it? [00:37:40] What is it about that? Is it is it that your entry is amazing? I mean, it must [00:37:45] be right.
Speaker1: I’m quite pleased, I must say, about my entry, um, and [00:37:50] my, you know, photograph before and afters. I quite like it. You know, my work. [00:37:55] I’m proud of my work.
Speaker3: Yeah, but if you were going to, like, if you were giving advice like someone wanted to win awards, [00:38:00] um, what are the key bits of advice? Right. Good photos.
Speaker4: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker3: But [00:38:05] what else? But because you seem to be very good at it, he constantly picking up a bit.
Speaker1: Now you [00:38:10] have to be yourself and just write about yourself. [00:38:15] Why should they give you that award? Just be natural and just be.
Speaker4: Reading.
Speaker3: Somewhere [00:38:20] the requirements to win this award. And then you’re you’re making your entry. [00:38:25]
Speaker1: Just tick them off.
Speaker4: Just tick off the requirements award.
Speaker3: But then everyone everyone’s doing that. So how do you become [00:38:30] the winner. It’s like what does it take. You don’t know. You’re just naturally winning. [00:38:35] Yeah.
Speaker1: It’s your your quality, your desire, your drive or um, [00:38:40] not only like getting that fulfilment of getting. That’s all how [00:38:45] I feel of of getting the award, but it’s it’s, [00:38:50] um, I guess it’s like a milestone, another accolade in my life.
Speaker4: It’s a nice.
Speaker3: Thing. [00:38:55] Don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice thing to win an award, but I always whenever. Look, we’ve got these things, these, uh, [00:39:00] awards for the best, uh, company, best brand of the year, whatever the. I’m [00:39:05] always, like, don’t want to enter, because what if I don’t win?
Speaker1: Um, this is what happened to me. [00:39:10] Like, I was, like, fresh out of university, and I just literally came second. [00:39:15] I was like, shocked. I was like, I don’t know how, but it was like [00:39:20] really good. I was like.
Speaker4: What motivated.
Speaker3: You to keep doing it again?
Speaker1: Um, I [00:39:25] was I was very down, um, after university because I was like, well, I don’t [00:39:30] have like a lot of, like therapy that are like not many cases. Well, I’m [00:39:35] going to give it a try. And it’s still like worked out and pay off for me, um, [00:39:40] you know, clinical and even last year, dentistry, a private dentistry awards [00:39:45] winning that I did not think I would win it. So um, I was like, no, [00:39:50] it’s no, no chance for me to, to win this award. So I was like, and I was like, I didn’t even [00:39:55] attend to the to the ceremony. Yeah. Because I was I was telling myself [00:40:00] I didn’t want to know, but, um. However, he was one of my goals. I [00:40:05] was literally looking through my 2023 goals and my my papers. I was like wind private dentistry [00:40:10] awards and I was like, yep.
Speaker4: Um, so do you do that every year? Write goals? [00:40:15]
Speaker1: Well, I did last year.
Speaker3: Didn’t do it this year yet.
Speaker1: I did my I did this year. Yep, yep.
Speaker4: What’s [00:40:20] on your list? Oh well.
Speaker3: Tell us.
Speaker1: Um, I think it’s like I definitely [00:40:25] want to, you know, um, get a bit more involved with [00:40:30] the with the trusts as well. I was joining the dentist trust. I quite like [00:40:35] because I’m not seeing any more children. I like to give something back and just see children back again. Um. [00:40:40]
Speaker4: Linda. Yes. Amazing.
Speaker1: Um, I do want [00:40:45] to do a little bit more of that. Travelling self-love, I think is very important. [00:40:50] Um, you know, um, and who knows? Um, just [00:40:55] taking her name, maybe another word.
Speaker4: We’ll [00:41:00] get.
Speaker3: To travelling in a.
Speaker4: Minute.
Speaker3: Let’s get to the, um, darker part of [00:41:05] the pod. Errors, mistakes. We like to talk about them [00:41:10] on this podcast so that people can learn from each other’s mistakes. What [00:41:15] comes to mind when I say that?
Speaker1: Well, the first thing that comes to me, it’s like [00:41:20] New Year. Yesterdays. Um, my, one of my [00:41:25] referrals for restorations, um, that [00:41:30] I was saw the x rays, um, how the tooth [00:41:35] was like. I was like, yeah, I’m ready for this. I’m just ready to get my teeth into it. I’m really excited [00:41:40] to get this tooth nicely restored. It was a lower left, [00:41:45] lower right six and distal occlusal tooth was [00:41:50] broken. Uh, restoration was broken and wedged into proximity [00:41:55] between the two two teeth. So it was, um, quite deep. And I was, like, expecting it to be too deep, [00:42:00] but not as, as I was anticipating. So [00:42:05] got ready with all my rabbit down. Placed the rabbit down as well. You can’t really do [00:42:10] the interproximal because I can’t play place the role of rubber dam together. [00:42:15] So um, spent a good amount of time doing that, then taking [00:42:20] it all off and try to remove the the piece from in between. [00:42:25] Um, did that. The cavity was very deep, um, close to the [00:42:30] nerve, close to the pulp, uh, gently, very gently removed it [00:42:35] or stalled? Not too removed all the existing restoration that’s coming from the pulp. [00:42:40] Um, but it just flinged off, you know, with fast handpiece. Yeah, [00:42:45] yeah, it just, um, the bond is not there.
Speaker4: Or the composite.
Speaker1: Yeah. And, [00:42:50] um, but it was fine. I was like, keep looking and looking. Well, I don’t see anything. [00:42:55] Nothing coming through. There’s no, no pulp exposure, which is like you. That was great. [00:43:00] Escaped that one. Um, but very challenging [00:43:05] to to restore the tooth. Well, and and let’s just like, say [00:43:10] the fact that I could not get the patient down there. So first time as well. [00:43:15]
Speaker4: As well.
Speaker1: I was like, oh, we’re like, you know, when you have heavy muscles like [00:43:20] limited opening mouth.
Speaker4: It’s this thing.
Speaker3: When 4 or 5 things come together, [00:43:25] isn’t it? The mouth isn’t opening, the patient’s nervous. [00:43:30] It’s deeper than you thought. The rubber dam isn’t. When those 4 or 5 things get together.
Speaker4: Suddenly. [00:43:35]
Speaker3: Your day can turn wrong. Yeah. So what happened?
Speaker1: I was, like, sweating it. Well, [00:43:40] I had a calling the dentist in because I already given like two, three articles [00:43:45] and I was like, okay.
Speaker4: Okay.
Speaker1: Yes. I was like, [00:43:50] oh, well, what did he do?
Speaker4: What did he do? What? The patient. The dentist.
Speaker1: The dentist. Yes. [00:43:55]
Speaker4: Orthotic. Yeah.
Speaker1: Um, but he’s given the high IDB block, [00:44:00] so I haven’t had I’ve never seen that done, which is very interesting to to know [00:44:05] and learn from. And on top.
Speaker4: Of the needle. Yeah. Uh huh.
Speaker1: Uh, interesting. [00:44:10] Interesting commentary. Uh, buccal infiltration. Well, I was [00:44:15] like, what? I thought that you could damage the PDL. So this is why I was not doing [00:44:20] it. So, you know, it was very interesting. Very good to learn. Uh, for me, um, [00:44:25] having that done then.
Speaker3: So the patient was numb now.
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: Then what? He took over?
Speaker1: Uh, [00:44:30] no, I carried on. Okay.
Speaker4: Even more stronger that go.
Speaker1: Um, [00:44:35] then we, um, placed [00:44:40] the rubber down back on or. Good. I was like, yeah, okay, I got this. Then I was fiddling with the garrison, [00:44:45] the sexual matrix band, when I couldn’t get that one in the wedge. Um, [00:44:50] then bring up the normal matrix. Um, we’ll just try with that. However, [00:44:55] being so deep, um, even though I tried with the Cotton Palace to keep [00:45:00] the cavity very nice and moist and dry, um, I thought I got it. I was like, okay, [00:45:05] it’s. We’re ready to fill this out. Um, finished it all off after [00:45:10] running late and running over it with my lunch with with my nurse. She was [00:45:15] like, keep giving me the looks. I was like, okay, well, if I’m late, I must be like [00:45:20] fully late. So I was I did apologise, I apologise, yes, I went for it, [00:45:25] um, and I completed and I was like quite happy. I was like, okay, yeah, I’m chuffed, I’ve got this. I [00:45:30] ended up polishing it and it was like a see saw. The whole cavity [00:45:35] broke again because the moisture was not good enough.
Speaker3: So what [00:45:40] did you do?
Speaker4: Temporary.
Speaker1: I put it in temporary. So that’s happy days.
Speaker4: I’m getting.
Speaker3: Ptsd [00:45:45] just.
Speaker4: Thinking about.
Speaker3: This, man. It’s 12 years since I’ve done a filling that that [00:45:50] that just brought back memories. This was yesterday.
Speaker4: It was.
Speaker1: Yesterday. [00:45:55] Fresh for the new year. One for the books.
Speaker4: For the patient was cool.
Speaker1: And he [00:46:00] fell asleep during the whole treatment. I was like, okay, this is great.
Speaker4: It doesn’t really for me.
Speaker3: It doesn’t really qualify as a big mistake. [00:46:05] What about if the same similar type of situation but the patient was uncool? Have [00:46:10] you ever has that ever happened?
Speaker4: No.
Speaker1: Like everyone seemed to be like really like nice [00:46:15] and. Understanding. Yeah, I think one [00:46:20] that I could think of, it’s like giving, um, an infiltration. [00:46:25] And, um, I was still maybe I was giving it a little bit too fast because the patient [00:46:30] didn’t end up having an ulcer afterwards. Um, yeah.
Speaker3: And the [00:46:35] patient wasn’t happy.
Speaker4: Well, no.
Speaker1: Because she came back in, um, as an emergency. Was uncomfortable. [00:46:40] Painful to eat. Um. And then she was getting worried. Maybe she’s allergic [00:46:45] to the local anaesthetic that I had given. Um, so, again, [00:46:50] learning curve for me as well was stricken.
Speaker3: That was the cause.
Speaker4: Um.
Speaker1: I [00:46:55] don’t know. Or the clamp. You know, sometimes it can feel a bit irritated. [00:47:00] Um, because digging into the gum margins and causing a bit of ulceration. [00:47:05]
Speaker3: Painless injections are such a huge thing, like I. [00:47:10] Unfortunately, I was 20 years a dentist before I realised how important it is [00:47:15] because I actually had a painless injection on me and I was like, oh, [00:47:20] it’s possible to do this completely painlessly, you know? Um, [00:47:25] because I think people patients as a patient, have you had a filling before, like, [00:47:30] yes, Romania, they like to fill in Romania. Um, the the [00:47:35] injection moment is the hardest moment of a dental visit for a lot of [00:47:40] patients. Yeah. And if you can make that pleasant, patients [00:47:45] will follow you all over the place. And it’s such an important thing to do that.
Speaker4: Well, yeah it [00:47:50] is. They do.
Speaker1: Yeah. Um, they find it okay when I do do it and [00:47:55] and I’ve got my own tricks and they’re loving it.
Speaker3: Just use [00:48:00] the topical and all that.
Speaker4: Sometimes it’s so.
Speaker3: Important. It’s [00:48:05] so important I can’t I, I only realise how important it was. My wife giving me this injection. Right. [00:48:10] She put it in and then she left for five minutes. Yeah. Talking whatever. Doing [00:48:15] something else. Yeah. For five full minutes of topical makes such a difference [00:48:20] compared to one minute of topical compared to no topical. You know.
Speaker1: Sometimes I do it sometimes.
Speaker4: Yeah. [00:48:25]
Speaker3: I think in private practice because there’s time. I know you guys [00:48:30] don’t normally get as much, but because there’s time that’s just best practice. [00:48:35] Put the topical on and then for five minutes talk to the patient. You know, talk about [00:48:40] life, about their goals, about their children, about their work, about their that that five minutes [00:48:45] is gold for the relationship and [00:48:50] it’s gold for the topical. Yeah. You know, um, I [00:48:55] really if I was a dentist now I would build that in to every single filling, you know. Um, [00:49:00] tell me about photography. Where did you learn that? Monarch? [00:49:05]
Speaker4: Um.
Speaker1: It was in university. So we had. We had? Yeah. So we had [00:49:10] cameras in the university. Um, and you get to, you know, play around with them and [00:49:15] the settings and take, take photos, take photos of the patients [00:49:20] before and after. So I had that and I like to document.
Speaker4: So [00:49:25] by the end.
Speaker3: Of university you felt confident taking pictures.
Speaker1: I mean I always struggle with my photos and [00:49:30] like settings. I feel like even now after, you know, I have done, um, yes, [00:49:35] I’ve done monarchs. I’ve invested into my own equipment, my own camera, latest model [00:49:40] and what sorts and and then ended up returning it because [00:49:45] I’ve done this course and he’s saying it’s better to have this kind of settings. [00:49:50] Um, and yeah, like everything monarch. Um, [00:49:55] clean pop. Yeah, yeah. So all all this [00:50:00] nice of learning from everyone. I’m still I’m still learning. I’m not saying I’m great at all. [00:50:05]
Speaker3: But look, as a, as a piece of advice, it’s great advice, right? To build a portfolio and to build a portfolio you need [00:50:10] to have good photography skills. Yeah. But then there’s the other side of it, which is the social media side. [00:50:15] And you know, you’re quite strong on it. Is it is it something you spend time on like the [00:50:20] profile page. And yes.
Speaker1: So I spend time doing my [00:50:25] own profile page. I’ve seen some how inspired how some people have got theirs [00:50:30] and then made up into mine and you know, just taking like few [00:50:35] bits and bobs like Photoshop. And I want this to be like this. So I’ve created everything on my own, [00:50:40] um, and just, just put it out there. And I think it’s great to [00:50:45] have a social media account. Um, but also a downside of it. [00:50:50] I’m glad that I have made it towards the end of my year and not in between, because [00:50:55] otherwise I’ll be all the time on social media. Um, I feel [00:51:00] that nowadays a lot of the younger generation are obsessed about posting [00:51:05] and just getting as much as more possible on social media. I did [00:51:10] have that feeling about, you know, getting my photos out and posting. But if you don’t have [00:51:15] the work, if you haven’t got the skill out there, why showcase something that [00:51:20] you’re just not there yet? But at the same time, I can see where you’re where they’re coming [00:51:25] from. Because if you’re coming from like a patient perspective, patient won’t be able to like, [00:51:30] analyse all we ask. But this little bit of corner it needs to be more rounded [00:51:35] or more square.
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: Um look there’s different types. There’s different types. Yeah. I know someone [00:51:40] that his, his first social media post was his first day of dental school. Yeah. [00:51:45] And he carried on. And now he’s a very accomplished dentist. Yeah. Um, and [00:51:50] he’s still posting. Yeah. And he’s not saying this is the best. He’s saying this is my [00:51:55] journey.
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: That’s one way of doing it. Uh, then there’s what you’re kind of saying to [00:52:00] have the best. And then I know some people, uh, some of the best dentists [00:52:05] in the country who don’t want to put it out on social media because [00:52:10] they don’t. They want it to be perfection and perfection paralysis. [00:52:15] I mean, if you want to put perfection, you’re not going to post very much. Yeah. And there’s a balance [00:52:20] that’s right for everyone, right?
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: Of course. Have you looked at TikTok?
Speaker1: I [00:52:25] have, but not I’ve not been a lot on on TikTok.
Speaker3: No I would. [00:52:30]
Speaker1: Um.
Speaker4: Are you on it? I am.
Speaker1: On it. Yes.
Speaker3: So so the thing about TikTok is [00:52:35] there’s no excuse on TikTok. Yeah. And so we had a meeting about this today. Enlighten. Yeah. That [00:52:40] we’ve got zero excuses for why we’re not trending on TikTok. Nothing you [00:52:45] say about TikTok can let you off the hook, because [00:52:50] you don’t need followers for people to see your content. If it’s good content, [00:52:55] it will show it to hundreds of millions of people if it’s that good. Yeah. And [00:53:00] and so if you’ve got good content, it makes sense to play with [00:53:05] TikTok a little bit. I think, you know, because Instagram tends to be like a build a following. [00:53:10]
Speaker4: Yeah, TikTok shows it.
Speaker3: With [00:53:15] zero followers you can have 100 million views. It’s amazing in that sense. That’s why it’s taken [00:53:20] off so much, right?
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker1: But actually like I think like with Instagram, [00:53:25] like I said, it’s great for portfolio. And this is where like some of my like jobs [00:53:30] have come across. Like if the employer is able to see your work on there, it’s [00:53:35] more likely that you get somebody like a job opportunity coming. Coming in. Yeah. [00:53:40] Um, and that’s great. I’m not saying make work patient.
Speaker3: From.
Speaker1: It. Few, few. [00:53:45] Not a lot. I feel like, um, I could do better. Um. [00:53:50]
Speaker3: So a few patients have turned up saying I found you on Instagram.
Speaker4: Yeah. That’s interesting. [00:53:55] Yeah.
Speaker1: And just picking or having this treatment, I like to have this [00:54:00] done. Um. It’s great.
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: And you do direct access as well? [00:54:05]
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: So what’s that? The people who want to come and have their teeth cleaned, but they’re not bothered [00:54:10] about seeing a dentist is that. Yep.
Speaker1: So that’s how direct access works. Um, you [00:54:15] know, it’s been from.you we know from 2013 that GDC is released here [00:54:20] and they can come in and just have their hygiene without having to see the dentist [00:54:25] first. Um, however, I always like recommend [00:54:30] booking in seeing the dentist, or at least send me some x rays that like [00:54:35] to see, at least for me. From the hygiene perspective, I need to see those bone levels and see how [00:54:40] they are.
Speaker4: But you can’t.
Speaker3: You can’t ask for x rays unless they [00:54:45] see a dentist.
Speaker4: In the practice.
Speaker1: I found like some of them that you send in the email to the practice [00:54:50] address.
Speaker4: Or previous x.
Speaker1: Rays, and I can see them.
Speaker3: Yeah, but if you want new x rays, there’s no way without the dentist. [00:54:55]
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker1: They will have.
Speaker4: To prescribe that right. Yeah.
Speaker3: Interesting. But and then what percentage [00:55:00] of your work is direct access. Like is it sizeable.
Speaker1: Yes. Good amount. Yeah. Especially if you have [00:55:05] like a big busy practice. Um they they do come, come [00:55:10] in.
Speaker3: And there is no direct access therapy. Right.
Speaker4: No.
Speaker3: Or whitening. [00:55:15]
Speaker4: No.
Speaker3: Or fluoride.
Speaker1: No. So you will need a prescription. [00:55:20]
Speaker4: For all of those.
Speaker1: For these. Yeah.
Speaker3: Yeah. That’s some of that needs to change doesn’t it.
Speaker1: They’re [00:55:25] I think they’re in the process of changing it. Hopefully soon that will get finalised. [00:55:30] They’ll be making um so much easier, easier for us not having to chase [00:55:35] for a prescription.
Speaker3: I had Miranda from CHC. Um, [00:55:40] tell me the errors wise. Mistakes wise. If [00:55:45] you could go back. Ten years. What [00:55:50] did you do differently?
Speaker1: Um, I feel like [00:55:55] I’ll be trying to be more disciplined and not be even. [00:56:00]
Speaker4: More.
Speaker1: But I feel.
Speaker4: Like.
Speaker1: I was, like, quite complacent. And. [00:56:05] Yes, but I feel like I could have done so much more better and [00:56:10] like studying and perhaps ought to become the dentistry [00:56:15] even more. Um, I feel like even though it was like really good at school. So [00:56:20] even from younger age, I was, I was getting awards from younger age with, with [00:56:25] my mother.
Speaker4: The move had.
Speaker3: Something to do with that.
Speaker4: Um, because if you.
Speaker3: If [00:56:30] you were this like, accomplished child student and now we can see [00:56:35] your ambitious and really up for everything and learning. Do you think it was within the move [00:56:40] because you know, a new new country, new rules, new everything?
Speaker4: Um. [00:56:45]
Speaker1: Possibly not. Not not a lot, I’d say. Um, I think it’s [00:56:50] having you’re having my head down and studying, just not be getting [00:56:55] a little bit distracted because I think at that point, like teenage, when I was like teenager, I was getting [00:57:00] distracted as everyone a little bit more. So just be a bit more [00:57:05] focussed. My, my family was never like that strict on, you know, you sit [00:57:10] down and get this done, otherwise you’re not going to get go out or stuff [00:57:15] things like that. Um, but that’s what I would do, would be even more [00:57:20] try and be more complacent with myself.
Speaker3: Do you think do [00:57:25] you have kids?
Speaker4: No.
Speaker3: Do you think if you had kids now, you’d be more strict on them than your parents were [00:57:30] on you?
Speaker4: Yes. Really? Yes.
Speaker3: That’s so interesting, isn’t it?
Speaker1: Um. I [00:57:35] think it’s very important education and young age. And just get your foundation [00:57:40] right, get your your schooling, and then you’ll figure [00:57:45] out what you want to do later on as soon as you have seen here the A levels, [00:57:50] then you can choose and pick later on down the line. Or if you [00:57:55] have. Yeah.
Speaker3: But there is you know, there’s there’s different roles you can play as a [00:58:00] parent here that you can be that strict one. You can be the friend one, you can [00:58:05] be the I want them to find their own way thing. And what I’ve noticed is [00:58:10] that all of them come with benefits and risks, you know, all the different approaches. [00:58:15] And, you know, it’s I mean, it’s an interesting question that you’re saying you would be more [00:58:20] strict on your kids than than your parents were with you. But I was the opposite. [00:58:25] I, I’m actively trying to be less strict on my kids than my parents were with [00:58:30] me. I’m trying to be more more friendly, more connected.
Speaker4: You have to have.
Speaker1: That balance for sure. [00:58:35] Um, obviously there’s that education element. And, you know, [00:58:40] the other element of like finding different kind of hobbies and anything that you would [00:58:45] enjoy in life, um, for sure. Uh, we, we [00:58:50] it was not like here, you know, you have to go to a music, play an instrument, or go to a [00:58:55] swimming class. We did not have that. However, we did find that balance [00:59:00] in the, um, sports, you know, in school. So I used to play basketball. [00:59:05] We used to be in the school basketball team. So that was my thing that I enjoyed [00:59:10] the most.
Speaker3: And what about career wise? Would you. Do [00:59:15] something differently within the hygiene, or it’s [00:59:20] a bit too early to say which year did you qualify?
Speaker1: 2021? So, [00:59:25] um.
Speaker4: Yeah, not that.
Speaker1: Long.
Speaker3: So Covid was during your course? [00:59:30]
Speaker4: Yes.
Speaker3: That must have been strange.
Speaker1: So we [00:59:35] it was like second year. We had to finish all our clinical targets by by [00:59:40] then. Um, and I was like very glad to be out and done with by [00:59:45] by the time it hits. And everyone else had to like catch [00:59:50] up. Even in the third year, final year during Covid times, it was a challenging year. [00:59:55] However, we had a very good university at, you know, having to [01:00:00] integrate us quite fairly quickly in the beginning of our third year, um, [01:00:05] you know, finding the hand pieces that were not generating aerosol, we had [01:00:10] this clinical pods where you would go and still carry on and you would be able to finish your [01:00:15] exit cases and just put it all together from A to, to, you know, [01:00:20] to the end to Z. And it’s like it was really, really good, very organised, I’d say. [01:00:25]
Speaker3: What would you say future ambitions are.
Speaker1: My [01:00:30] ambition.
Speaker4: Future.
Speaker3: What does the future hold?
Speaker1: I [01:00:35] would love to be able to do a lot more bonding cases. I’d like to, [01:00:40] you know, to, um, have more cases with patients [01:00:45] and and, um, get better on my bonding. At the moment, I am enjoying [01:00:50] very much my posteriors. I quite enjoy doing them. But I was doing [01:00:55] a case just before Christmas, and I really liked that kind of like element of like [01:01:00] polishing off and just building those layers [01:01:05] and, um, you know, that symmetry and just, just, [01:01:10] just creating it really well.
Speaker3: So okay, that from the clinical [01:01:15] perspective, but do you have ambitions of, I don’t know, opening your own place, um, [01:01:20] work wise, what would be like let’s say, let’s say you had like a dream [01:01:25] come true. What would it be?
Speaker1: I mean, we’ve got my sister, so, you know, you maybe open [01:01:30] your own practice one day. Well, yes. We don’t know, but, um, until it gets [01:01:35] to that stage, maybe, I don’t know. She was. She liked me to move to Australia, so I don’t [01:01:40] know.
Speaker4: Is she there?
Speaker1: Yes. Um, but.
Speaker4: She.
Speaker3: Moved from [01:01:45] here to.
Speaker4: There. Um.
Speaker3: Oh, really?
Speaker1: Yeah. So I think for now, it’s just [01:01:50] even in my goals is to, you know, in, in investment, but maybe just thinking about [01:01:55] an investment, maybe it’s something down the line. I’m now going to exclude the option of maybe [01:02:00] opening a practice or something. Teaching teaching for sure. [01:02:05] Yeah. So I it was like very funny, some very funny because I guess like even [01:02:10] as kids we were looking to play with dolls and things like and just like pretend we were like teaching [01:02:15] and be very like drastic. I also have my own catalogue with like names [01:02:20] of children and like grading them. Not even like really good today you get [01:02:25] this. And I was like really funny with that. Um, but I’m teaching. Yeah. So [01:02:30] I’m maybe like teaching more like dentistry. Um, one of my, um, [01:02:35] the girls I was used to be in the university with. Well, by the time we were all going to learn about [01:02:40] composite Lorena, we’ll be teaching it. So that was like, you know, you’re not going to exclude it. [01:02:45]
Speaker3: So you’d like to teach?
Speaker4: Yeah.
Speaker3: Yeah, it’s. The teaching is fun, man. [01:02:50] There’s no doubt about that. Um, let’s let’s finish it off then, [01:02:55] with advice you would give to someone who wants to get into hygiene now.
Speaker1: Who [01:03:00] would like to go into hygiene. Um, stay [01:03:05] on focus. And don’t forget, um, why [01:03:10] you worked your butt to get to this stage. Don’t [01:03:15] get distracted. Do you have your fun? If allows it? Um, um. [01:03:20] Parties. But, um, main thing is to just stay focussed. [01:03:25] Be work hard, be disciplined, get [01:03:30] your dexterity. Um. Upskill. Upskill. [01:03:35] Um.
Speaker3: Lorena, are you quite a competitive person?
Speaker1: Um, [01:03:40] maybe a little bit.
Speaker3: Like you and your sister. Did. You used to.
Speaker4: Um, no. [01:03:45]
Speaker1: No, no. Not well. Pickering. Yes.
Speaker4: Not Pickering.
Speaker3: Competition. [01:03:50] Like was it was competition a thing? Are you are you now competitive?
Speaker1: I [01:03:55] wouldn’t say so. I would just I know maybe [01:04:00] a little bit, but that’s why. Where is that going to like, take me, you know.
Speaker3: No, [01:04:05] listen, there are advantages to being competitive. There are disadvantages to being competitive too. [01:04:10] But there are advantages I’m trying to get to, you know, this ambition point. Yeah. You seem ambitious. [01:04:15] Yeah. Where does it come from? They’re trying to prove. [01:04:20] Prove someone wrong or or.
Speaker4: I think it’s down.
Speaker1: It’s within me. I don’t know if my family [01:04:25] is like that. Or maybe my mother a little bit.
Speaker3: So what were you, an ambitious 12 [01:04:30] year old as well? Like when did it happen? Like?
Speaker1: Certainly I was more like a shy, more like quiet [01:04:35] girl. But since, um, you know, since winning my first, like, [01:04:40] coming highly commended for the first time, I was like, okay, so this is a potential. This is my [01:04:45] chance. Why don’t I take this opportunity? Why don’t I see what’s behind it? [01:04:50]
Speaker4: Because I was quite recently then.
Speaker1: Yes. I was like, well, not [01:04:55] like that. Not doubting, but like downgrading myself, thinking, well, this is not going [01:05:00] to be good enough. But if other people see this is good, then it must be.
Speaker3: So [01:05:05] then what, that high that that gave you? Or [01:05:10] are you not as ambitious as I think you are?
Speaker4: I was, I was.
Speaker1: I [01:05:15] am, and I like it, but I think that gave me an extra boost, [01:05:20] you know.
Speaker4: Mhm.
Speaker3: Amazing. Let’s get to the final questions. We’ve been [01:05:25] going for a whole hour. Fancy dinner party. [01:05:30] Three guests, dead or alive.
Speaker1: Oh, [01:05:35] I would say like, um. It’s Kevin [01:05:40] Hart.
Speaker4: Who’s that?
Speaker1: It’s. He’s a comedian and he’s a CEO [01:05:45] because I think he’s, like, funny. He’s accomplished a lot in his career. He [01:05:50] is grounded. He’s not forgot where he’s came from. Um, [01:05:55] and he’s funny. Yeah. Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart is a comedian. And, [01:06:00] um, I think he will be good to have him, uh, entertain everyone. [01:06:05]
Speaker4: It’ll be fun.
Speaker1: Yeah. Then, uh, I would have. Shakira. [01:06:10] Always been a fan of Shakira, the Colombian. Oh, really? I like Latino, [01:06:15] Latino music. Um, can speak a bit of Spanish, so.
Speaker3: I find [01:06:20] a lot of Romanians speak.
Speaker4: Spanish.
Speaker1: Yes, I can understand it a little bit. Yes. Is Latin. So [01:06:25] we’d have her. Um, I don’t know. [01:06:30] With my third one would be.
Speaker4: You’re not sure?
Speaker1: No.
Speaker4: Um. [01:06:35] And I quite.
Speaker1: Like I like Steven Bartlett lately because [01:06:40] he would be like a big person in the room just to bring [01:06:45] out like, influence people and just be a bit open minded [01:06:50] and just business wise with like educating [01:06:55] every like, not like educating.
Speaker4: To listen to the.
Speaker1: I do listen. So now [01:07:00] I’m just starting to listen to a lot more podcasts. I think that’s very important and just learn [01:07:05] a lot more from people. And I do enjoy it quite a lot.
Speaker3: I like diary of a CEOs and it’s a good [01:07:10] listen. Um, but the funny thing about it is I always stop listening [01:07:15] to it, and then I come back to it months later, whereas there’s, there’s other shows [01:07:20] like, I don’t know, Joe Rogan. I listen to that all the time. You know, I don’t stop. Um, it’s [01:07:25] funny, it’s funny, but he.
Speaker4: Is. Yeah, he’s very good. See?
Speaker1: See what he’s coming up with or Jay [01:07:30] Shetty. It’s something somebody really good about what?
Speaker3: About someone from, I don’t know, from history or [01:07:35] I don’t know grandmother’s grandmother or. You know what I mean? Like Einstein. [01:07:40] Like someone like that. So who would you have?
Speaker1: No, [01:07:45] like I said, I don’t like science. Chemistry? Like chemistry.
Speaker4: General Coco. [01:07:50]
Speaker3: Chanel.
Speaker4: You know.
Speaker3: You know what I mean? Like no one like that. No one [01:07:55] comes to mind? No. Have a think. You said you’re three. Anyway, um, the [01:08:00] final question is death. Deathbed question. It’s a bit. You’re a bit young [01:08:05] for it, but let’s let’s go to it anyway. Last day on the planet. [01:08:10] Your friends and family around you. By that time, I don’t know children [01:08:15] and grandchildren around you. Three pieces of advice you’d leave for them in the [01:08:20] world.
Speaker1: I would say stop worrying and start living. [01:08:25] Um, change. Change your mindset. I’d [01:08:30] say. And, um, it’s like brain brainwash [01:08:35] for offset, for success. So brain brainwash your head for success [01:08:40] and don’t think negative because [01:08:45] that would be attracting like, you [01:08:50] know, negative things, you know, like, so just think positive. Um, those will [01:08:55] be what I would explain.
Speaker3: The brainwash for success. One a bit more.
Speaker4: Well, [01:09:00] I’ll.
Speaker1: Having, you know, for the first time [01:09:05] being recognised by private dentistry awards. I was like, well, I got this, I want this. [01:09:10] So I was like a little bit at some point manifesting a little bit. And I was, [01:09:15] why, why can I not get this? I want to get this, I’m going to get this. [01:09:20] And I was just keep telling myself, yes, I’m going to get this and I’m going to win [01:09:25] this year. I even had it written in my goals, surprisingly. But I think [01:09:30] that’s very important. Just be positive about life and don’t think about the negatives. [01:09:35] Don’t be. Oh, this didn’t work out for me today. Stop pondering [01:09:40] on it. Just move on and be positive.
Speaker3: But [01:09:45] the brainwashing piece is sort of sort of repeating it. Even if [01:09:50] you are feeling negative saying the positive thing, is that what it is like, that sort of thing.
Speaker1: Sorry. [01:09:55]
Speaker4: Say that again.
Speaker3: The brainwashing part. What does that mean? [01:10:00] Think positive. Okay.
Speaker1: Yeah. It’s just like, don’t. [01:10:05] Don’t think about your negatives. So just exclude them at your your head.
Speaker4: Just [01:10:10] wash them off on purpose and.
Speaker1: Just, like, focus on everything. That’s that’s [01:10:15] positive.
Speaker4: Amazing.
Speaker3: Amazing. Thank you so much for [01:10:20] doing this.
Speaker4: Thank you. Thanks for coming.
Speaker3: All this way.
Speaker1: Thank you very.
Speaker3: Much. And, uh, I think I got to catch up [01:10:25] with you in, in, I don’t know, five years and see where you’ve where you’ve gone because, [01:10:30] uh, I can see you’re going to go very, very far. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Speaker4: Thank you.
Speaker2: This [01:10:35] is Dental Leaders, the podcast where you [01:10:40] get to go one on one with emerging leaders in dentistry. Your [01:10:45] hosts. Payman Langroudi and Prav Solanki. [01:10:50]
Speaker5: Thanks for listening guys. Hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Make sure you tune [01:10:55] in for future episodes. Hit subscribe in iTunes or Google Play [01:11:00] or whatever platform it is. And you know, we really, really appreciate it. If you would, [01:11:05] um, give us a.
Speaker3: Six star rating.
Speaker5: Six star rating. That’s what I always [01:11:10] leave my Uber driver.
Speaker6: Thanks a lot, guys. Bye.